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Blog Post

Jun 08

The Final Moth of Dance

Happy Wednesday IHD Family and welcome to the final month of our session! Time has certainly flown by this year and we are so grateful to everyone who has joined us for the ride. As we come to our last month of these classes we want to talk about how you can make the most out of these final few weeks. 


Take every opportunity 

In your final few weeks of dance make sure you are taking advantage of every opportunity. Make sure you are taking opportunities to perform or volunteer. Take any extra classes that are available and give your all in your regular classes. Make sure you ask your teachers any final questions or ask how you can keep up with your training after class ends. 


Be in the Moment 

Whether you’re on stage or in class try to stay present and engaged. Enjoy your time with your teachers and peers. Be grateful to have been given the opportunity to take classes and for a body that has let you dance through this year. Enjoy every moment you have left of studio events. 


Better & Better

A great practice for this time of year is to strive to be better every time. Whether you are working on choreography, finishing off your competitive season or still striving to achieve some end of the season goals, give yourself the goal of improving every time you step into class or on stage. 


Keeping Connections 

The last thing you should do before leaving the studio for the summer is give some attention to the relationships you’ve built in class this year. Take some time to thank your teachers and administrators for their hard work but writing them a note or card. Ask friends you’ve made in class for their numbers or social media and even make plans to hang out over the summer. 


We are so proud of all of our dancers and are looking forward to an exciting final  month of class. We thank you for joining us in the studio or just following along with us here on the blog. We are looking forward to dancing with you this summer! 

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